2B Mindset Review

The Truth About 2B Mindset by BeachBody – MUST READ!

Hi Ladies,

My name is Kathryn and, in my 31 years, I’ve done just about everything known to mankind to lose weight and get in shape. Most of them have been abject failures, which is why I keep looking. When it came to working out, however, I was pretty impressed with Shaun T’s Insanity program from BeachBody. It certainly kicked my butt – but it didn’t offer the nutritional support that I needed to actually lose some serious body fat.

My experience with Insanity gave me confidence in the company behind the program, BeachBody. So, when I first heard that they were releasing a nutrition focused program, I was more open to it than I would have been if it was put out by someone I’d never heard of. I started reading some positive reviews about their new program, so I decided to take the (rather expensive) plunge.

In this review I’ll share my honest, no holds barred opinion of 2B Mindset so that you can make a more informed purchasing decision than I did. I’ll also suggest an alternative to that, I feel, offers better results and better value. ?

What I Discovered

The bottom line is that I was not impressed with the program. As I intimated earlier, this is an extremely expensive program. Yet, in essence, the program boils down to advice that we all already know – eat plenty of vegetables and drink lots of water!

A major problem is that there is not enough guidance with the program – and when you are trying to completely change your eating pattern for the better, you need a lot of guidance.

In preference to 2B Mindset, I whole-heartedly recommend an alternative solution.

What is the 2B Mindset Program?

The 2B Mindset is a weight loss program that was created by Ilana Muhlstein, who is a registered dietitian nutritionist. The program is produced, marketed and released under the BeachBody umbrella.

Ilana presents the program in the form of 40 video presentations, which provide you with the equivalent of 10, one hour sessions that cover various aspects of mind control, nutrition and weight loss.

  • 21 videos present Ilana’s complete principles and philosophy for long term weight loss.
  • 5 videos present Ilana’s strategies for overcoming weight loss plateaus and achieving sustained weight loss without weight regain.
  • The remaining videos feature Ilana’s favorite family recipes to create delicious, nutritious meals.

In addition to the videos, you also get a Get Started guide, a My Tracker personal journal for you to record your results, a water bottle and access to the 2B Mindset app.

Who is 2B Mindset Designed For?

The promotional website for 2B Mindset states that this program is for anyone who wants to lose weight. This includes those who are frustrated with the deprivation of traditional diets, people who are challenged by junk food cravings and those who have tried and failed in their previous attempts to lose weight.

What I Experienced

The first thing I noticed is that the 2B Mindset program from BeachBody is very expensive. I purchased the product for $99 for the basic package, and it has already gone up to $119.00 – and that doesn’t even include shipping and handling charges!

Remember that this is just for the basic package. They also offer upgrade packages, valued at $160 and $200 respectively. That means that the entire program is going to set you back in excess of $460. ?

With that sort of outlay, I was expecting big things. So, did they deliver . . ?

To be honest, I was expecting a workout program at least on par with Insanity or P90X with this program? So, I was immediately deflated when I discovered that there is no workout program with this plan. That’s right – a weight loss program that doesn’t include an exercise routine – go figure!

The nutritional guidance that this program provides is sound – but it’s not anything remarkably revelatory. Nor is it anything that you couldn’t find for free on YouTube. In addition, the nutritional guidance that Ilana provides is very general, allowing for a lot of latitude in your food choices. That may seem good in terms of flexibility, but it’s a recipe for disaster when you are trying to stay strict to a clean pattern of eating.

Despite my reservations, I decided to give the 2B Mindset program an honest try. Sadly, I only lasted for three weeks. Why?

For one thing, I found the nutritional program – Ilana doesn’t call it a diet – to be, well, boring!

Because it was so monotonous and uninspiring, the program failed to inspire me. Without the incentive to go on, I simply ditched the whole thing.

Now, I provide myself on being pretty focused and disciplined. So, if I only lasted for a mere three weeks, then I hate to think how lesser motivated people would get on with this program. ?

Does 2B Mindset Actually Work?

So, if I had actually struck the program out, would it have worked for me? Well, probably so. After all, any sensible program that restricts calories will allow you to lose weight.

But for a hundred bucks, I would expect more than a cookie cutter eating plan that offers pretty basic advice and doesn’t include an exercise program.

Fortunately, I found that very program within a couple of days of ditching the 2B Mindset program (it’s a pity I didn’t come across it two days before signing up for the program).

Let me tell you about it . . . 

A Better Solution

The program that I stumbled upon after pulling out of the 2B Mindset program is called Bikini Body Workouts and it’s put by a woman named Jen Ferruggia.

The first thing I noticed was that Bikini Body Workouts was a LOT cheaper than 2B Mindset. The complete Bikini Body Workouts program costs just $29.99, compared with $99 for the basic program of 2B Mindset. In contrast to 2B Mindset, Jen’s is a complete program that includes the following:

  • A 12-week workout program
  • A complete nutritional guide
  • A supplement guide
  • check-circle
    Shopping lists
  • check-circle
    Interactive workout videos

Here’s a side by side comparison of 2B Mindset and Bikini Body Workouts . . .


Bikini Body Workouts

2B Mindset


Fitness Guide



Bikini Body Workouts

Nutrition Guide



Bikini Body Workouts

Supplement Guide



Bikini Body Workouts

Fitness Videos



Bikini Body Workouts

Shopping Lists



Bikini Body Workouts



$99.00 + Shipping Fees

Bikini Body Workouts

The Bikini Body Workouts program provides you with an extremely well-structured exercise plan that is flexible, challenging and fun. You get a good balance between aerobic and anaerobic training so that you can effectively sculpt your body as you burn off the calories and improve the efficiency of your cardiovascular system.

What I really loved about the program was that you don’t need any equipment to do the workouts. But, if you want to advance up the intensity ladder, there is also provision for weight resistance training workouts.

The Body Bikini Workouts program includes a comprehensive nutritional program that is every bit as good as what you get with the 2B Mindset program. Jen’s guidance will set you on the proper nutritional pathway for real, sustained weight loss progress that will allow you to lose body fat while preserving your vital lean muscle tissue.

You don’t have to pay any extra for the nutritional guidance. It even comes with a complete supplement guide and some very handy shopping lists. You do not even get these with the 2B Mindset program, which costs more than three times as much and doesn’t provide you with any exercise guidance whatsoever!

Unfortunately,2B mindset coupon code or discount isn't available online.

If you are looking for coupon code for Bikini Body Workouts,Amanda from the comments below found one that worked perfectly fine. It got her a further %10 off the already cover price.Hope it works for you...

UPDATE: My Results Before and After 6 Weeks Progress

I’m now onto Week 6 of the Bikini Body Workouts program and I’ve gotta’ say that I’m thrilled with the results. The weight is literally falling off – in all the right places. I’ve already lost 9 pounds.

Just take a look at my before and after pics . . .


I’m sad to report that my high expectations after using Beach Body’s Insanity program were not matched by the 2BMindset program. It was hugely overpriced and underdelivered, being too monotonous and lacking any type of workout program to complement the nutritional guidance.

As a result, I cannot, in all honesty, recommend the 2BMindset program.

What I can recommend is Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body Workouts. This is an exciting, affordable and complete program that provides all the nutritional guidance that you will need in order to achieve real sustained weight loss.

In addition, you get some excellent workout programs, all of them featuring full HD videos of Jen herself doing the workouts plus a whole host of extremely useful bonuses.

Bikini Body by Jen Ferruggia is available for just $29.99

I definitely recommend it! 

You can order it from Jen’s official website here : www.bikinibodyworkouts.com

Or you can order 2B Mindset program from here , Just TAKE ACTION and no matter what of this programs you follow.

I will update my results once I complete the 12 weeks.

Special thanks to Jen Ferruggia...her program changed my life within a few weeks. ❤

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2B Mindset
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Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 8 comments

It’s just a waste of money.. Trust me!
I followed the directions and saw no results or any other claims of this product. Very disappointed.


    Sorry to hear that from you…Did you try getting a refund?


I Got mine from this link : http://www.specialdiscountoffers.com/bikinibodyworkouts-coupon/ with a coupon that saved me 10%.


    Great,thank you for sharing it here. 🙂


Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for reviewing this,
Your other recommendation seems much better,i’m thinking to buy it.


    Thank you for reading my review…don’t forget to try @Amanda’s coupon code.


Jen’s program is amazing!!!! I lost 25lbs!!! She builds you up and doesn’t kill you in your first 2weeks. Definitely worth the money, and the best part is you can always start it over once you’re done!


    Hi Melissa..Congratulations!

    Yes if you listen to Jen and follow her guide you will 100% see the results you desire.
    Cannot wait to see the results of all the girls like you who decide to purchase bikini body workout guide!


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