Flat Belly Fix Review
Before you spend your money on Flat belly fix Program,Read my review first!
Hey, ladies – are you confused about all of those weight loss products on the internet with all of their outrageous claims about how you can lose your belly fat overnight?
Well, so was I! That was until I came across Todd Lamb’s Flat Belly Fix. This program immediately stood out to me and so I tried it – and it REALLY worked on my body. That’s why I’m here to tell you about it.
But before I share with you what Flat Belly Fix did for me, let me tell you a bit about myself . . . 🙂
My Struggle with Body Fat

Hi, I’m Amanda, a 28-year-old mother of three. From the time I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to be a mother. It was my unabashed goal in life. When, the first one came along, all I wanted to do was to make my little girl proud.
That little girl, Maddie, is now nine years old. The other day I took her to the mall. We were in McDonalds when a couple of other girls called out to her. They were with a pretty hot looking thirty something blonde, complete with a Playboy Bunny body. I hated her instantly!
Well, when I looked across at Maddie, her face had turned red and she buried her head in her hands. It took me just an instant to recognize what was going on – my baby was embarrassed to be seen with me! 🙁
Let me explain – I’ve always struggled with my weight. But since the birth of my last child, Lucy, things have sorta’ gotten out of control. Now, I’ve got folds of fat spilling out all over the place.
But to see my little girl, my first born, writhing with shame because her mother was so fat, now that was a shock!
Maddie tried to shrug the incident off like it was no big deal, but I knew that it was just an act. The simple truth was that she was ashamed of her mother.
Finding Flat Belly Fix?
After years of procrastination, the incident at McDonald’s with Maddie finally pushed be into action. That night I began searching through Google in search of the program that would make the difference for me.
There were tons of them.
But one stood out to me.
Maybe it was the fact that it was created by a former SWAT member. This guy, Todd Lamb, was an expert in the fitness world and the author of a number of fitness guides for men and women. Or perhaps it was that the program had a great deal of scientific backing behind it.
Whatever it was, it led me to click ‘Buy Now’.
I purchased Flatbellyfix.com
What’s Included?

As I just mentioned the fitness guru behind Flat Belly Fix was Todd Lamb, a guy who used to put his life on the line everyday as a SWAT team member.Todd has put together complete program that is designed to be completed in just 21 days.
Fat Belly Fix is a complete online program that comes as a downloadable PDF ebook. The program includes a complete diet protocol, weight loss techniques and online ELITE coaching. These portions work synergistically to come together to help you to achieve incredible reductions in belly fat over a 3 week period.
Your purchase of Flat Belly Fix comes with the following . . .
The meat and potatoes part of this program, of course, is the 21 Day Fat Belly Fix Program. In this book you will discover:
What About the Cost of Flat Belly Fix?
The Flat Belly Fix program costs $37.00.
For that money you get the complete system, including that entire months worth of personal coaching that I mentioned earlier. That makes this an incredibly well priced program. When you actually realize that this program works, you will agree that this is an incredibly well priced program.
You’d be paying well more than $37.00 for a single online coaching session, let alone a whole month’s worth.

If you are looking for discount for Flat belly fix program,Cassandra from the comments below found one that worked perfectly fine. It got her a further $10 off the already cover price.Hope it works for you...
UPDATE: My Results After 3 Weeks Progress
So, what about me?
Well, after three weeks of following the 21-day program, I have lost some serious inches from my belly. In fact, I’ve lost 3 inches off my waist. That means I dropped an inch for every week of the program. But not only that – every area of my body has seriously firmed up, especially in my problem areas, like the thighs, hips, butt and under my upper arms.
The best thing about it is that my training partner and best support while I was doing the program was none other than my oldest girl, Maddie. As a result, we have both been learning to establish a healthy relationship to food and our bodies together.
What’s even better is that the before and after photos that I’m about to share were actually taken by Maddie – and she’s pretty proud of her mama!
Here they are . . .


Maddie and I went back to the Mall yesterday. We came across some of her other friends from school – and this time my girl wasn’t ashamed to be seen with me. In fact, she proudly introduced me to her friends, and their hot moms!
Flat Belly Fix not only allowed me to get rid of my belly flab, it gave me a huge shot of confidence – and strengthened the bond between me and my daughter.
I can’t recommend Flat Belly Fix highly enough. This program REALLY works. 😉
Finally, I want to thanks Todd Lamb...Your program Helped me Alot.