Bodyboss Method Review
Is Body Boss Method the solution to your weight gain problems? Read on to discover what I found out about this much hyped fitness program!

Hi, I’m Pamela. With summer fast approaching, I was searching for a program that would allow me to get rid of the winter pounds that had been piling onto my body. I’ve tried – and failed – at a number of different programs and I knew exactly what I was in need of . . .
I spent quite a bit of time searching online and dismissed quite a few programs that didn’t cut it – then I came across the Body Boss Method. It didn’t tick all my boxes, but I decided to give it a closer look. Here’s what I discovered . . .
How I Found This Product
I came across Body Boss Method after doing a Google search for ‘weight loss fitness programs’. The link took me to the official Body Boss website . . .
What is Body Boss Method and Who Is It For?

Body Boss Method is a 12-week fitness program designed specifically for women. It features no fuss, easy to use fitness guides that include equipment free exercises.
The workouts are based upon cardio, plyometric and calisthenic exercises that can be done in the privacy of your own home.
Body Boss Method comes as a range of different workouts programs which are available at different prices. These include a fitness guide, a fitness and nutritional guide and a nutritional guide.
The maximum length of the workouts is 24 minutes and you only have to do 3 workouts each week.
Sounds pretty good so far, right?
Read on to discover what I learned when I dug a little deeper into the Body Boss Method . . .
What I Discovered
The Body Boss Method seems pretty good on the surface. But I was quite shocked at the price that they were asking for.
The first thing I noticed was that the nutritional guide, which I had expected to be a standard part of the program which was thrown in for free, was NOT a part of the base program.
When you purchase the Fitness Program for $49.50 you do not get any nutritional guidance – at all. That is not what I expected – and not what you deserve.
It doesn’t matter how many before and after photos or fawning testimonials you post on a website, you will NEVER get any serious results in terms of weight loss unless you undertake a properly structured nutritional guide.
However, with Body Boss Method you won’t get one – unless, of course, you pay extra money!
For me that was a massive red flag!
Moving on, I wanted to check out how good the training guides actually were. What I was hoping to find was HD video where trained fitness professionals demonstrated every move . . .
But I didn’t find it – anywhere.
There are written guides with pictures – and that is it!
That was a huge disappointment for me.
But there were other things that were missing, too.
For one thing there was no supplement guide.
Supplements are a key part of an effective weight loss program but this is also an area with a lot of confusion surrounding it. A good fitness program will break down exactly what you need to be taking to fast track your results – but Body Boss Method completely ignores this vital aspect!
Body Boss Method doesn’t even provide you with shopping lists to help you to navigate your way around the supermarket without stacking your trolley with foods that will jeopardize your progress
Ok, so it has some serious omissions, but what about the actual workouts – how good are they?
Well, after trying them out for a couple of weeks, I’m afraid I’m not very impressed.
For one thing, they didn’t challenge me.
Now, I’m not exactly what you’d call super fit – in fact, I’m pretty much an exercise newbie. So, if I wasn’t getting challenged, I knew that this program wouldn’t provide the challenge needed to burn serious calories.
On top of that, there are only three workouts per week – and the longest one is 24 minutes. That may sound good, but the reality is that it is not enough to achieve any lasting results.
But, that’s not the worst of it -the workouts that I did do were simply boring – there was no variety to them! And if I know anything about exercise it’s that it has to be stimulating – if it isn’t you’ll stop doing it – which is exactly what I did after two weeks with the Body Boss Method!
Needless to say, I soon deduced that the Body Boss method was NOT the program that was going to get me to the beach worthy body that I was after. I needed something better . . .
Something Better

I have to say I was rather disappointed that Body Boss Method didn’t work out. I needed to get my body beach worthy and I was running out of time. But then I got a message from my girlfriend, Julia.
I hadn’t heard from Julia for a while. So, when I clicked on her Instagram, I was shocked at what I saw . . .
A photo of Julia in a bikini. ?
She looked stunning – in fact she had the body that I wanted!
It definitely wasn’t the Julia I was used to seeing.
Needless to say, I quickly got Julia on the phone and demanded to know what her secret was.
Her answer changed my life . . .
Bikini Body Workouts by Jen Ferruggia.

Within seconds, I had clicked onto the Bikini Body Workouts website.
Here’s what I discovered . . .
Bikini Body Workouts compared with Bodyboss Method
Bikini Body Workouts is a very comprehensive program that ticks ALL of my initial criteria. So, how does it stack up alongside Body Boss Method?
First let’s compare the price . . .
Type | Bikini Body Workouts | Body Boss Method | Winner |
Fitness Guide | $29.99 | $49.50 | Bikini Body Workouts |
Nutrition Guide | FREE | $39.90 | Bikini Body Workouts |
Supplement Guide | FREE | Not Included | Bikini Body Workouts |
Shopping Lists | FREE | Not Included | Bikini Body Workouts |
Interactive Workout Videos | FREE | Not Included | Bikini Body Workouts |
Price | $29.99 | $89.40 | Bikini Body Workouts |
As you can see, it’s no contest – Bikini Body Workouts is way more cost effective.
On top of that, the workouts are far better structured. They are also more interesting, there are more of them and they include both resistance and cardio training benefits.
PLUS, there is a no equipment workout option, so you don’t need to by any additional exercise equipment.
Even though all of this is great – less than half the price, great workouts, no equipment needed – the BIGGEST benefit of Bikini Body Workouts over Body Boss Method is the inclusion of a complete nutritional program without having to pay extra.
It is impossible to over exaggerate the importance of nutrition to a successful weight loss program – and Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body Workouts delivers on this aspect big time.

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My Results : 12 Weeks Body Transformation


Needless to say, I signed up for Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body Workouts – and I’m sure glad I did. I’ve just completed the 12-week program and I’m finally ready for the beach. I haven’t just lost weight (18 pounds) but I have totally reshaped my body. I’ve finally brought out the tone and athletic, shapely look that I’ve been dreaming of for years!
I loved the results I got from Bikini Body Workouts and I know you will too!
If you have any question about bbm or bbw,don't hesitate to leave a comment below.